Bomba ksb etanorm

Bomba com corpo espiral, conforme à norma EN 733, para líquidos puros e agressivos que não contenham substâncias sólidas ou abrasivas. Sistemas secundários (água de refrig., etc) Sistemas industriais Sistemas booster Circuitos de refrig., sistemas ar condicionado Captação de água superficial Captação de água Cabines de pintura Abastecimento de água quente Abastecimento de água de […]

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Bomba KSB Etanorm – New Pumps for Painting and Surface Treatment Applications

To expand their product range for painting and surface treatment technologies, KSB launched two new vertical low-pressure centrifugal pump models in early July 2005. Etanorm-GPV and Etanorm-CPV have been developed for vertical wet-well installation in closed tanks under atmospheric pressure. Pumps of these type series can be supplied for installation depths ranging in 250 mm […]

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Bomba KSB Etanorm

ew Circulating Pumps for Heat Transfer Systems KSB Aktiengesellschaft will present their updated Etanorm SYT pump series to the public for the first time. KSB`s latest generation of single-stage volute casing pumps has been specially developed for applications in modern heat transfer systems and hot water circulation. Etanorm SYT pump sets handle hot water as […]

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